Maximizing Your Leadership Presence
I recognize every leader is unique. Our Leadership Essence is unique to us, just like our Essence as human beings is unique to each of us.
This is why my coaching program will be tailored to you, to your Leadership Essence, and to the situations and challenges you are facing.
We will usually start by conducting one or two assessments, about your leadership style, the way you develop relationships with different stakeholders, and your emotional intelligence. We will together review the results and identify which of your characteristics and soft skills will need to be reinforced or downplayed to address the unique requirements and challenges of your new and future roles.
The OPA Methodology
In parallel with the assessments, we will create a transition plan to make your move into the new role as easy and successful as possible. This plan will usually last for 6 months, or until you feel comfortable in your new role.
The transition plan will be based on my methodology OPA – Onboarding, Positioning, Accelerating– the three steps for successful transitions.
Click on the bars below to learn more about the three steps.
Jorge Bastos, Founder | Essentia
OPA! is a Greek expression traditionally used in celebrations, meaning joy, cheers, hooray.
O: ONBOARDING – Hit the Ground Running
The objective is to hit the ground running in your new position, so ideally this first step will be developed prior to you starting your new role. This plan will focus on the basics – what are yours’ and your boss’s immediate priorities, who are the members of your team and what are their concerns, who are the key peers you need to network with from the beginning. It is also a good moment to identify your vulnerabilities for this role and develop a risk mitigation plan.
P: POSITIONING – From 'Me' to 'We'
This is the plan for your first 90 days on the role, and the objective is to position yourself – to establish your credibility with your team, your boss and other stakeholders. This is when a new mindset becomes required – a mindset that can be simply described as ‘from me to we´. You transform from a leader who had all the answers to a leader who asks the right questions. You stop being a micromanager to become an empowering leader. You learn to actively seek views and listen to your direct reports and relevant stakeholders. You secure some early wins.
A: ACCELERATING – A New Mindset for Leadership Growth
This plan will enable you to grow in the role and achieve success. First thing is understanding what success looks like in your role and how it is measured. You will then need to recognize what critical aspects of your job you do not know, and decide how you are going to close that gap – by learning, by relying on your team, by identifying mentors, etc. You will focus on building a high performance team, having the team assessed, identifying critical capability gaps. Most importantly, you will identify aspects of the culture you would like to create and start working to make this transformation happen.
“Transitioning to a new leadership role is not an easy task. Sessions with Jorge are helping me to frame and clarify development objectives, identify key areas of improvement and implement quick-win actions with my team and peers. He creates a safe coaching environment that triggers the much needed introspection in the coachee.”
– Senior Operations Leader in the Refining Industry